Which future would you choose to have?
Sometimes, the only way to change your life is to travel.
Eighteen-year-old Mara Scott has been given a chance to find a solution to her world’s climate and pollution problems. She is to travel to another world, an alternative timeline, in the hope that lessons can be learned. She’s far from the first and uppermost in her mind is the fact that her boyfriend, Leo McNaught, travelled six months earlier and never came back.
She's under no illusion. She knows this is a dangerous mission.
But Mara finds herself distracted. The probability of her being able to find a solution is nothing compared to the probability of seeing Leo, or rather, a version of Leo. Yet, that is what happens.
Her heart ruling her head is not a problem she had expected to encounter.
Complete Series (Novels)
The links below are to the first book in the duology.
Also available as a boxset (limited distribution).
Subscription Services
This series is available through the subscription services provided by Scribd., Playster and 24 Symbols.
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This series is available through a number of library eBook services, including Overdrive, Gardeners Library, Cloudlibrary, Odilo and Library Direct. It is also available through apps from Baker & Taylors Blio & Axis 360 services, Inktera and Tolino.
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